Friday, 6 August 2010

Participants needed for 'one minute manifesto' event at Forest Fringe, Edinburgh 2010.

This is a blog to accompany a project running from Forest Fringe in Edinburgh 2010.

This is a call for participation.

Welcome to One Minute Manifesto.

This is an invitation to everyone to stand up and say something. To declare, argue, sample, challenge, paint, re-frame, long for.

One minute - to share your thoughts, feelings, demands for theatre, performance, art and the part we all play in it.

60 seconds to mean what you say.

It is an opportunity for 5 people each evening to stand together, in public, to create a new world and say how it should be.

It is going to be a bit rough and ready, a microphone and a patch of grass, a busy thoroughfare and a stopwatch.

This is a piece based on someone else’s idea*


  • The slot for ‘One Minute Manifesto’ will run:

Forest Fringe week 1: Mon-Fri, 8.30/8.31/8.32/8.33/8.44

Forest Fringe week 2: Mon-Fri, 7.30/7.31/7.32/7.33/7.44

  • Please book your slot in advance. This can be done by telephone/email (see below) or at the Forest Fringe box office/info desk.


  • Please convene at the FF box office/info desk at 8.15pm (week1) and 7.15pm (week2). You will be met by someone nice, and briefed as to what will happen next. You will decide as a group in which order to speak/where to stand. However. There are some rules.


  • You only have 60 seconds. No finishing ‘cos you’ve started.
  • Those 60 seconds are yours and you can say what you like - but be prepared for others to disagree with you (please note, those present will be asked to be supportive and listen, this isn’t a debating society, and destructive heckling will be discouraged). We’d like kindness to be in the room.

  • This is an exercise in standing up and simply saying what you think. For some that is a huge thing to do - others not.
  • Please bring with you your ‘manifesto’. This is a spoken word event, so you may want bring something written down. Its up to you. You are free to interpret this if you have an idea of course (rules are made to be broken) but we’d encourage you not to hide behind play. Words Will Do.
  • If you really don't want to stand up yourself, but you would like your words said out loud - then a delegate may also be arranged on your behalf.
  • We would like to take your photograph, and we’d also like to share your manifesto on the blog to document the project. You may want to publish your manifesto on the blog anonymously, or not at all. Thats fine. You tell us.


  • Places are limited so please book your slot in advance, or take a chance on the night by turning up.
  • Call or SMS: 07583 250979
  • When booking, please tell us when you want to be involved, and don’t forget to include a contact telephone number which which we can reach you on the day.

We will then confirm your slot and look forward to meeting you.

Thanks very much everyone - looking forward to hearing what you have in your head.

Lucy Ellinson


Participants are particularly sought for next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Get in touch.

*Please support AHM (Sam Ainsley, David Harding and Sandy Moffat), who are organising a series of three, one-day symposia with the overall title of, ‘State of Play - Art and Culture in Scotland Today’. The first of these will be at the Gilmorehill Centre, University of Glasgow on Saturday October 9, 2010. This shape-platform is their original idea. Read more here.

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